1. The research articles, review articles, book reviews, general articles, research notes, and short communications in basic and applied research in economics, agricultural economics, management and development are published in the Indian Journal of Economics and Development.
2. The journal is managed by eminent economists under the domain of The Society of Economics and Development and is published quarterly (March, June, September, and December).
3. The membership of ‘The Society of Economics and Development is mandatory for all the authors for publication of an article. The membership fee is payable on the acceptance of an article.
4. The hard copy of the Journal will be sent to the corresponding
author only. A soft copy of the Journal will be provided to all the author members.
5. To submit articles, first
register at https://soed.in/, then log in to your account to upload the article
on https://soed.in/
6. The length of papers should
not be more than 20 typed pages of A4 size in Times New Roman font size 11, including tables, diagrams and appendices.
7. Name(s) and affiliation(s) of
the author(s) with email addresses should be provided on a separate page along
with the title of the article.
8. Only essential mathematical
notations may be used. All statistical formulae should be neatly typed.
Footnotes should be numbered consecutively in plain Arabic superscripts.
9. References: Only cited works should
be included in the reference list. The reference list should be alphabetized and
not numbered. Authors should uniformly follow the reference citation strictly
in accordance with examples given under: Click the web link to see the style of
reference citation: References
Citation Style
10. Units: Use SI units; a few examples
are given below: Hectare (ha), Milligram (mg), Rupees (₹), Million hectares (Mha),
Litre (l), Tonne (t), Millilitre (ml), Million tonnes (Mt), Gram (g), Meter
(m), Kilogram (kg) and Centimeter (cm). Please note that no full stop is used
after the abbreviation of units.
11. All articles will be referred to in anonymity. The authors should comply with the comments of the referee within
20 days, beyond which the papers will be removed from the files of the Society.
12. Transfer of Copyright Agreement: Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher. All the manuscripts must be accompanied by a signed Copyright Form at the time of submission.
13. It may be noted that the rejection and withdrawal of the article will not be notified by email. The authors are requested to check the status at https://soed.in/login.
14. Sanctions: In the event that there are documented violations of the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement, the following sanctions will be applied:
(I). Immediate
rejection of the infringing manuscript.
(ii). Immediate
rejection of every other manuscript submitted to a journal published by ‘The
Society of Economics and Development by any of the authors of the infringing
(iii). Prohibition
against all of the authors for any new submissions to journals published by ‘The
Society of Economics and Development, either individually or in combination
with other authors of the infringing manuscript, as well as in combination with
any other authors. This prohibition will be imposed for a minimum of 36 months.
(iv). Prohibition
against all of the authors from serving on the Editorial Board of the journal
published by ‘The Society of Economics and Development.
(v). In cases where the
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sanctions beyond those described above.
15. Jurisdiction: The jurisdiction for all
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16. General: The Editorial Board reserves the right to remove the material considered irrelevant. It assumes no responsibility for the views and statements expressed by the authors in its articles.
17. Please make sure to verify that your article aligns with the scope of the Journal and adheres to the required format and standards before proceeding with the payment of the Article Submission Fee. Please note that the Article Submission Fee is non-refundable, regardless of whether the article is accepted, not accepted, or withdrawn.
18. The research articles that do not conform to the journal format may be returned without review.
19. The use of AI in writing the manuscript in any form will lead to the rejection of the article.
20. If the Conclusions and Policy Implications are not based on the findings of the submitted manuscripts, then such manuscripts will not be considered for publication.
21. If the authors cite studies in the Conclusions and Policy Implications, then such a manuscript will not be considered for publication.
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