Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 10 No.1, January-March, 2014
Research Articles
Pre and post-harvest losses of pigeon pea in Maharashtra: An empirical assessment
Deepak Shah
Socio-economic conditions of women labour households in rural Punjab
Dharam Pal and Gian Singh
Production performance of paddy in Punjab
Skitu Anyosisye Mwakyeja
Towards reducing the large-scale state intervention in marketing of foodgrains in liberalised economic regime in Punjab
D.K. Grover
MGNREGA in Jammu and Kashmir: Some field experiences
Fayaz Ahmed Bhat and Peerzada Majid
Growth and performance of micro, small and medium enterprises in India
Gurinder Jit Singh Bhullar and Harinder Mohan
Attitude and behaviour towards financial saving: A study of farmers in Bathinda district
Mohit Gupta, Navdeep Aggarwal and Rohini Garg
Private sector commercial banks in India: Evaluation of performance Indicators
Shruti Chopra and M.S. Toor
Education and child labour- A study of Punjab
Mini Goyal and Prathiba Goyal
Marketing pattern and price spread of guava in Punjab
Manjeet Kaur, M.K. Sekhon and Anuradha Joshi
Behavioural study of market arrivals and prices of pigeon pea in Maharashtra
Suvarna L. Mahalle, Siddharth Shastri and Shiv Kumar
Research Notes
Structural analysis and work profile of workers in knitwear industry of Ludhiana
Prerna Sharma and Harinder Saggu
M.Sc. Abstracts