Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 14 No.3, July-September, 2018
Research Articles
Impact of socio-economic factors on technical efficiency of paddy farms in Punjab
An economic valuation of shifting cultivation and its alternative land use system in Manipur
Jenny Kapngaihlian and D.V. Subba Rao
Resource use efficiency and determinants of mentha cultivation in Punjab
J.M.Singh, Jasdev Singh, B.R.Garg and Baljinder Kaur
Performance of vegetable production in India with special reference to Punjab
Sunny Kumar and Sanjay Kumar
Vegetable farming in Punjab: An overview
N.S. Samra and P.Kataria
Review Articles
Farm outsourcing: World scenario and Indian perspective
Subash.S.P and Parminder Kaur
Causes and consequences of dowry in Indian society-An overview
Gaganpreet Kaur and Sukhdev Singh
Cash or grain transfer: The way ahead 83 S. S. Narwade
Research Notes
Shift in cropping pattern vis-à-vis stress on water resources in Punjab
Arjinder Kaur and Parminder Kaur
A study into economics of fresh water fish culture in Manipur
Abujam Anuradha Devi and N. Ram Singh