Author: Dalip Kumar Bishnoi1, Jitender Kumar Bhatia and Parveen Kumar Nimbrayan
Author Address: Department of Agricultural Economics, and Directorate of Human Resource Management, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125004 (Haryana) and 3Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture (CCS HAU), Bawal-123501 (H
Keywords: Co-integration, e-NAM, Granger causality, potato, seasonality.
JEL Codes: C80, Q13, Q18.
The market integration and causality of potatoes in Haryana were studied during the pre-e-NAM period (2010-2016) and the post-e-NAM period (2017-2021). The results revealed that in both periods, prices of potatoes in the Gurugram and Rohtak markets showed an increasing trend, whereas, in the post-e-NAM period, the arrival of potatoes showed a decreasing trend in both markets. Rohtak and Gurugram markets were found spatially integrated with pre- and post-e-NAM periods. The Granger causality test in the pre-e-NAM period demonstrated that potato prices in the Gurugram market had unidirectional causation with the Rohtak market. In the post-e-NAM period, potato prices in the Rohtak market had unidirectional causation with the Gurugram market.
Indian J Econ Dev, 2023, 19(3), 687-693