Author: Neelam Kumari1, V.P. Mehta2, Dalip Kumar Bishnoi3, J.K. Bhatia4 and Sachin Kumar5
Author Address: 1Research Scholar, 2Professor, 3Assistant Scientist, 4Assistant Director, DHRM, 5Ex-PG Student, Department of Agricultural Economics, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125004 (Haryana)
Keywords: Cereals, food grains, food security, pulses, sustainability.
JEL Codes: C19, C80, Q18.
Foodgrains are cultivated in Haryana in an area of 4452 thousand hectares with a production of 16333.8 thousand tonnes. Owing to the importance of foodgrains in the state the present study was undertaken in 2016-17. The secondary data related to the area, production, and productivity of major food grain crops were collected for the periods of 1995-96 to 2015-2016. The results of the study revealed that the food grains production increased at a rate of 2.46 percent per annum which was contributed by a marginal increase in area (0.48 percent) and productivity (1.97 percent) during the study period. As far as percentage share occupied by various food grains crops was concerned, almost 98 percent area was occupied by the cereals followed by pulse crops. The availability of food grains is of great concern as Haryana is the second largest contributor in the central pool of the country to provide food to a huge population, therefore, proper attention is needed to enhance food grains production to ensure future food sustainability in India.
Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 16 No. 2, 2020, 208-220
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS
Neelam Kumari1, V.P. Mehta2, Dalip Kumar Bishnoi3, J.K. Bhatia4 and Sachin Kumar5
1Research Scholar, 2Professor, 3Assistant Scientist, 4Assistant Director, DHRM, 5Ex-PG Student, Department of Agricultural Economics, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125004 (Haryana)
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