Author: Hemant Sharma1 and S.S. Kalamkar2
Author Address: 1Research Officer, and2Professor-Director, Agro Economic Research Centre, Sardar Patel University, Anand-388120(Gujarat)
Keywords: Cooperatives, dairy, fodder, milk.
The present study is an attempt to analysis comparative economics of milk production of members and non-members diary cooperative societies in Rajasthan. The results revealed that the total numbers of milch animals were ascertained to be 504 out of which 376, 66, and 62 were buffaloes, local cattle and crossbreed in dairy cooperatives society, while the number of the total milch animal was 488 out of which 301, 108, and were 79 buffaloes, local cattle and crossbreed in the case non-dairy cooperatives society. On an average investment of `120735 was made on pucca cattle shed which varied from `67777 and `155833 on cattle shed by the small and large cattle owners. The investment increased with an increase in the size of cattle holding. The overall average length of the lactation period varied from 226.60 to 241.93 days among all the animals which were slightly higher in crossbreed against local cattle and buffaloes. The average peak yield of all animals during the last lactation varied from 9.21 to 9.34 liters per day per animal against 9.37 to 9.45 litres per day per animal. Among crossbreed cows, the higher yield as compared to local cattle and buffaloes in present lactation. There was a marginal difference during the last and present lactation of breedable animals. In the case of dairy cooperatives society, the overall total cost of milk production per animal per day for various size groups was `173.52, 179.90 and 181.93 for the local cow, crossbred and buffalo. The feed and fodder cost accounted for around 65-70 percent of the gross cost. On average, the gross returns from the large household of buffalo were highest `236.26 decreased from medium to small households. The overall total cost was estimated at `197.07 and total returns `212.85 per animal/day of non-dairy cooperatives society household. On average, the net return of about `22 was realized by the dairy cooperatives society households as compared to `16 realized by the non-dairy cooperatives society households.
Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 16 No. SS, 2020, 17-27
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS
Hemant Sharma1 and S.S. Kalamkar2
1Research Officer, and2Professor-Director, Agro Economic Research Centre, Sardar Patel University, Anand-388120(Gujarat)
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