Resource use Efficiency in Wheat under different Techniques in Haryana

Published On: 2020-09-18 15:52:32

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Author: Ajay Singh1, Dalip Kumar Bishnoi2, Nirmal Kumar2, and Raj Kumar1

Author Address: 1Senior Research Fellow, and2 Assistant Scientists, Department of Agricultural Economics, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125004 (Haryana)

Keywords: Conservation, efficiency, technique, wheat.

JEL Codes: J22, J24, L25, M31, Q27.


The study was conducted in Karnal and Kaithal districts of Haryana in 2017-18. These districts of Haryana were selected purposively on the basis of the highest area under different types of resource conservation establishment techniques under wheat crop. Regression coefficients of inputs of seed, plant protection, and irrigation were found to be positive and significant whereas, machine labour and fertilizer were positive but with a non-significant impact on wheat yield for conventional technique in wheat. The difference between marginal value product (MVP) and marginal factor cost (MFC) for seed, plant protection, and irrigation was found to be positive and significant indicating underutilized usage, whereas machine labour and fertilizer were found to be over-utilized in the area. In the case of zero tillage technique seed, plant protection and irrigation were observed with significant impact whereas, fertilizer was having a negative significant impact on wheat yield. The difference between marginal value product (MVP) and marginal factor cost (MFC) for seed, plant protection, and irrigation was found to be positive and significant indicating their underutilized status, whereas fertilizer was found to be over-utilized in the area. The turbo happy seeder technique machine labour, seed and irrigation were found to be positive and significant whereas, fertilizer and plant protection were found negative without significant impact on wheat yield. The difference between marginal value product (MVP) and marginal factor cost (MFC) for machine labour, seed, and irrigation was found to be positive and significant indicating its underutilized level, whereas fertilizer and plant protection were found to be over-utilized in the region.


Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 16 No. SS, 2020, 260-266
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS

Ajay Singh1, Dalip Kumar Bishnoi2, Nirmal Kumar2, and Raj Kumar1
1Senior Research Fellow, and2 Assistant Scientists, Department of Agricultural Economics,
CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125004 (Haryana)
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