Study of Agri-Clinic and Agri-Business Centres Scheme in the Western States of India

Published On: 2020-09-18 15:49:21

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Author: Thansingh B. Parihar*1and S.S. Kalamkar2

Author Address: 1Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Economics, and2 Agro-Economic Research Centre, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand-388 120 (Gujarat)

Keywords: Agribusiness, agri-clinics, agricultural extension services.

JEL Codes: O13, Q13, Q16.


Agricultural extension plays a crucial role in providing advanced information and training to farmers for adopting the latest and improved production practices and technologies. However, it was reported that the present system of dissemination of information has weakened. In view to strengthen the extension services provided to the farmers as well as to capture the available potential of unemployed agricultural graduates, the Central Government launched the Agri-Clinic and Agribusiness Centres Scheme in 2002. The scheme has made significant progress since its implementation and during the last, more than one and half decade a total of 65956 candidates were trained. The highest percentages of ventures were established in Maharashtra followed by Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu while the corresponding figure for Gujarat was only 3 percent which indicated the disappointing performance. The project like dairy/poultry/piggery/goatary recorded the highest share in total ventures established followed by ACABC and AC. At an overall level, the performance of this scheme in the State was not so remarkable and there is much scope of improvement in this scheme. Lengthy loan procedure, high rate of interest, delayed credit sanction, disbursement, and marketing problems were major constraints faced by successful entrepreneurs.


Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 16 No. SS, 2020, 267-273
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS

Thansingh B. Parihar*1and S.S. Kalamkar2
1Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Economics, and2 Agro-Economic Research Centre, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand-388 120 (Gujarat)
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