Economic Impact of Sugarcane Variety CO-86032 on Farmers Economy in Maharashtra

Published On: 2020-09-18 14:34:30

Price: ₹ 1000

Author: C.M. Gulave1, V.G. Pokharkar2, and P.M. Adhale3

Author Address: 1Junior Research Assistant 2Assistant Professor, and 3Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Agricultural Economics, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth Rahuri, Rahuri-413 722 Corresponding author’s email:

Keywords: CO-86032, economic impact, partial budgeting.

JEL Codes: Q01, Q12, Q18.


The area under sugarcane in Maharashtra state was found to be more stable and consistent rather than production and productivity. It may be due to the F & RP of sugarcane. In the year 1996, MPKV, Rahuri released a promising variety of sugarcane viz., Co-86032 which is very famous in farming community due to its hardiness, sugar recovery (percent) and resistance to the extreme rainfall as well as deficit rainfall. The total economic worthiness of university released sugarcane variety Co-86032(production technology) over other competing varieties of sugarcane in the Maharashtra was `51449.14per ha. The sugarcane growers in Maharashtra state earned net economic benefit of `11059.40 crores from improved sugarcane variety Co-86032. Therefore, it is suggested that the Government should allocate substantial funds to public research in sugarcane for productivity improvement.


Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 16 No. SS, 2020, 354-359
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS

C.M. Gulave1, V.G. Pokharkar2, and P.M. Adhale3
1Junior Research Assistant 2Assistant Professor, and 3Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Agricultural Economics, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth Rahuri, Rahuri-413 722
Corresponding author’s email: