Author: Kuldeep Singh1 and Jaskiran Kaur2
Author Address: 1Assistant Professor and 2Junior Research Fellow Department of Post Graduate Studies, Punjabi University Regional Centre Bathinda (Punjab)-151001
Keywords: Agriculture, development, food security, sustainable.
JEL Codes: Q12, Q15, Q18.
Technology united with research and development has evolved as a grave differentiator of the agriculture sector in India including production, processing, and agriculture packing and marketing of given crops. Near about 50 percent of the Indian workforce was engaged in the agriculture sector but its share in GDP was only 14 percent, much lower in comparison to former. Though, certain agriculture items showed a steady annual increase in terms of kilograms per hectare. Agriculture transformed significantly over the past few decades but when it comes to investment in research and development there is a lot more which needs to be done. The paper analyzes the role of various research and development institutions in boosting the growth of the agriculture sector that helps in attaining sustainable agriculture development and self-sufficiency in the production process since independence. It also focusesed on the various issues faced by these development institutions. The findings unveiled that since independence a lot more was done to boost the research and development in the agriculture sector at both the center and state levels but a proper implementation of these policies along with transparency could bring more desirable outcomes than were gained at present.
Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 16 No. SS, 2020, 396-401
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS
Kuldeep Singh1 and Jaskiran Kaur2
1Assistant Professor and 2Junior Research Fellow Department of Post Graduate Studies, Punjabi University Regional Centre
Bathinda (Punjab)-151001
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