Author: Yogeshwari Sahu, A.K. Sarawgi, and Sirela Bharat
Author Address: Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, College of Agriculture, JNKVV, Jabalpur, India
Keywords: Benefit-cost ratio, cost concepts, cost, and returns.
JEL Codes: C82, Q12, Q18.
A study was conducted to examine the present status of okra production in Balod District of Chhattisgarh and to work out the cost and returns of okra production. The study is confined to Balod district of Chhattisgarh, a sample of 60 okra farmers comprises 20 small, 20 medium and 20 large were selected by proportionate random sampling method from five villages viz. Khursipar, Around, Newari Kalan, Jagnnathpur and Tekapar from Balod block of Chhattisgarh. The required primary data were collected from selected respondents by survey method using a pretested interview schedule. Primary data in the study pertains to the agriculture year 2016-17. The cost of cultivation was found `1, 08, 350.98 and ranged from `1, 03, 410.56 to `1,18,048.92 under different categories of farmers. The total cost of cultivation per hectare (cost C3) was highest in large size groups followed by medium and small size groups. The cost of production per quintal of okra crop was also found the same trend as the total cost. On average, the cost of production of okra was `1081.42 per quintal. The average productivity of okra was observed to be 110.12 quintals per hectare. As far as net income was concerned, it was more under large size followed by small and medium-size group farmers. The benefit-cost ratio was worked out to 1.60, 1.59 and 1.55 for small, medium and large size groups respectively.
Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 16 No. SS, 2020, 442-446
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS
Yogeshwari Sahu, A.K. Sarawgi, and Sirela Bharat
Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, College of Agriculture, JNKVV, Jabalpur, India
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