Author: Aradhana Singh Rajpoot, Neha Dwivedi, and J.K. Gupta
Author Address: Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya Chitrakoot, Satna-485334 (Madhya Pradesh)
Keywords: Benefit-cost ratio, cost concept, production, profitability.
JEL Codes: C81, Q13, Q16, Q18.
The present study was based on an economic study of production and marketing of pea in the Jabalpur district of Madhya Pradesh in the agricultural year 2016-17. The primary data related to cost and return of green pea crop was collected from 60 green pea farmers of three villages of Jabalpur district under three sizes of groups, each group containing 20 farmers in each class. The required data were collected from selected respondents by survey method using the presented interview schedule, for estimation of cost of cultivation and profitability estimation, net farm income, gross income, and B:C ratio were calculated. The results showed that the total cost of cultivation of green pea was found to be `109749, 119949, and 130174 per ha for small, medium and large farmers, respectively. The average net income was `102342.10 and in the case of the small, medium and the large farmer was `106250.36, 104775.23, and 96000.56 respectively. The average gross income found to be `222300.00 per ha. It was estimated to be `216000, 224725 and 22617 in the case of the small, medium and the large farmer was, respectively. The average benefit-cost ratio came out to be 1:1.85. On the basis of the finding of the study, it was recommended that green pea cultivation was economically viable.
Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 16 No. SS, 2020, 504-507
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS
Aradhana Singh Rajpoot, Neha Dwivedi, and J.K. Gupta
Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya Chitrakoot, Satna-485334 (Madhya Pradesh)
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