Comparative Economics of Open and Protected Tomato Farming in Mid-Hill Zone of Himachal Pradesh

Published On: 2024-12-24 16:11:37

Price: ₹ 500

Author: Niyati Thakur, Ravinder Sharma, Shilpa, Ajit Sharma and Kumari Sandeep

Author Address: Research Scholar, Professor,and Assistant Professors, Department of Social Sciences, Department of Basic Sciences, Dr Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry Nauni, Solan-173230 (Himachal Pradesh)

Keywords: Break-even yield, controlled environment, margin of safety, profitability.

JEL Codes: C49, C60, Q00, Q12.


The study analyzed the comparative economics and profitability of tomato cultivation in the mid-hill zone of Himachal Pradesh under both open and protected conditions. The cost of cultivation for 100 m² was higher under protected conditions (?8,678.18) compared to open conditions (?1,358.87). Similarly, gross and net returns were significantly higher under protected cultivation (?22,686 and 14,007.82) than under open cultivation (?3,794.05 and 2,435.19). The break-even point for protected cultivation (?6,258.92) was also considerably higher than for open cultivation (?221.24). The margin of safety for protected cultivation was ?16,427.08 (27.59 per cent), compared to ?3,573.84 (5.82 per cent) for open cultivation. The study recommended promoting modern techniques and providing regular trainings for polyhouse farmers, given the capital-intensive nature of protected cultivation.


Indian J Econ Dev, 2024, 20(4), 741-748