Yield Gap Analysis and Adoption Pattern of Cocoon Cultivation in Himachal Pradesh

Published On: 2020-09-07 20:59:15

Price: ₹ 500

Author: Vikalp Sharma1*, Megha Rattan2 and S.K. Chauhan2

Author Address: Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, MPUAT, Udaipur-313001 (Rajasthan)

Keywords: Adoption pattern, sericulture, sericulture technologies, yield gap.

JEL Codes: C12, C43, C83, Q12.


The present study was based on the analysis of the yield gap and adoption pattern of Sericulture practices. Two-stage random sampling and proportional allocation method were used to prepare a list of sample farmers, which include 19 and 41 large and small silkworm rearers. The involvement of the family members and experience in this profession showed a positive relationship with the adoption level of sericulture practices, and the other socio-economic variables like literacy and area under sericulture showed a negative relationship with the level of technology adoption. Across the farms, small farms obtained lesser yield than large farms. The large farms were adjudged better in terms of labour utilization, input use, working experience, interest, better technical know-how about the enterprise, and knowledge gained through regular in touch with sericulture department officials/ personnel to realize better output and technology adoption. In the study area, training should be provided to farmers to reduce yield gap and gain higher profits by Himachal Pradesh Department of Sericulture, Non-government organisations and self help groups, which may indirectly enhance women empowerment as they are playing a major role in this enterprise.


Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 15 No. 4, 2019, 614-618
DOI: 10.5958/2322-0430.2019.00080.5
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS

Vikalp Sharma1*, Megha Rattan2 and S.K. Chauhan2
1Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, MPUAT, Udaipur-313001 (Rajasthan)
2Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension Education and Rural Sociology, CSKHPKV, Palampur-176062
*Corresponding author’s email: vsvikalp@gmail.com