Socio-Economic Profile of Loan Waiver Beneficiary Households in Punjab

Published On: 2020-09-07 12:06:14

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Author: Taranjeet Singh and Balwinder Singh Tiwana

Author Address: Professor, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002

Keywords: Agro-climate region, debt relief, marginal farmer, one-time settlement, priority sector.


Asociety is a composition of various social, economic and political institutions. Any evaluation of the status of particular section of the society can be done on the basis of social framework, social structure, cultural norms, religious beliefs and value judgments. Thus, socio-economic status is a measure of an individual’s and society’s social and economic position based on education, income, occupation etc. The present study is an attempt to analyse the demographic and socio-economic status of loan waiver beneficiary households in Punjab using primary data collected from three districts of Punjab using a detailed schedule from 318 households.
Majority of the households belong to the Sikh religion (92.45 per cent), living in a joint family (58.49 per cent), illiterate (29.59 percent) and are self-employed in agriculture (61.65 per cent). It is observed that marginal and small farmers are leaving agriculture and giving their land to other farmers on the rent due to the increased cost of cultivation.


The Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 15 No. 2, 2019, 206-215
DOI: 10.5958/2322-0430.2019.00025.8
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI)

Taranjeet Singh and Balwinder Singh Tiwana

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, PMN College, Rajpura-140401 District Patiala and

Professor, Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002
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